M-AR 550W

MIG-MAG Manual Welding Torch

Product details

Technical Data according to EN 60 974-7

CO2: 550 A
Mixed Gas M21 (DIN EN ISO 14175): 550 A
Duty cycle: @ 100%
Wire-Ø: 0,8 – 1,6 mm

Part Number / Details

M-AR 550W cpl. with blue handle, Euro-connection (Steel Liner 2,0x4,5mm)2120M302002120M402002120M50200
M-AR 550W cpl. with grey handle, Euro-connection (Steel Liner 2,0x4,5mm)2120M301002120M401002120M50100
You will find all information und order numbers as well as detail drawings in the Data sheet -PDF.